I am pregnant and experiencing mild incontinence. What can I do?
Childbirth can contribute to bladder leakage, but the particular number of pregnancies doesn't have much of an effect on leakage.
Incontinence in pregnant women and women who've recently given birth is as commonplace as food cravings and morning sickness.
Because the baby places pressure on the bladder, many women experience a symptom called stress incontinence. It’s why sneezing, coughing, laughing, and exercising cause little dribbles of urine that send you running for the restroom. Then, the body goes through childbirth, which can weaken the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and cause more leakage.
To handle these leaks, try using protective hygiene products to manage moisture, odor, and freshness. If you experience the occasional dribble, pantiliners will protect you and your clothes from wetness. Just wear them inside your regular underwear and get on with your day moisture-free, from the grocery store to the office. However, if you experience more frequent leakage, you're going to want more protection than pantiliners can offer. Bladder control pads are more absorbent and will keep you dry and comfortable all day long. Like pantiliners, you can wear them inside your regular underwear.
You should also focus on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and the urethra. Performing Kegel exercises on a regular basis will help you improve bladder control. Not to mention, you can practice them pretty much anywhere. Yes, even on the couch while flipping through channels. Learn more about how to target your pelvic muscles here.
Once you've given birth, don't be alarmed if you still experience bladder leaks. This is normal and happens to almost every mother. Childbirth can take a toll on your pelvic floor muscles. Just give your body time to heal itself, and in the meantime continue to wear protective hygiene and practice Kegel exercises.
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Source: Prevail eNurse Team.


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